Welcome to our blog! This blog is co-written by Natalie Rich and Lizzy Douglas during the spring of 2013. We will be student teaching in Guiyang, China for 8 weeks. We invite you to follow our blog to learn about our adventures teaching and traveling abroad.

14 March 2013

Lizzy's Favourite Colour

Have I mentioned that the curriculum at the school is British?  There are slight differences in spellings of words and meanings that Lizzy and I promised to point out during our time at Guiyang No. 4 Experimental School.

We are in the middle of another great day.  We spend a bulk of the morning trying to figure out how to make calls from our new Chinese cell phones.  Lizzy and I also observed CiCi (one of the teachers I will be working with) and her third graders work on color lesson.  The students went wild when they saw we were coming into their class and applauded when Lizzy went up to participate in the lesson.  The students were working in pairs and the first student asks, "What color is it?" and point to something on his or her desk or clothing.  The second student would answer, "It's ___."  Then, the roles were switched.  Watch as Lizzy and her partner share their dialog:

1 comment:

  1. Lizzy and Natalie that's amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Can't wait to see more and hope everything there is going well. :) How is the Wi-fi? Do you know what hotel you're staying at? :) Kellie J
